Ave. Charles Darwin, Malecon Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, 200101, San Cristobal Island. reservas@lazayapahotel.com (+593) 99 643 9541

Coffee from Galapagos

Coffee from Galapagos sold in here

Comfy rooms

Your days are going to be really intense in the Galapagos… so you need a good place to rest.  We offer you...

Safety Boxes

Galapagos is one of the safest places on America. However, peace of mind is one of the things you want...

Breakfast and cafeteria

Breakfast and cafeteria

You can have your breakfast included with your reservation and benefit from a nice cafe right in from the sea.

Cable TV and Wifi at your room

You probably want to share with the world some of the amazing pictures you are taking… don’t go to the lobby...
